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Treat Me Fancy

Spinach Fine Granules 25g

Spinach Fine Granules 25g

Regular price $29.99 AUD
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Spinach Powder is a nutrient-dense powder made from dehydrated spinach leaves that have been finely ground. It retains many of the health benefits of fresh spinach, including high levels of vitamins A, C, K, and folate, as well as iron, calcium, and antioxidants.

This versatile powder can be easily added to smoothies, soups, sauces, and baked goods for a boost of color and nutrition. It’s also great for adding a healthy touch to homemade pasta, rice dishes, or even in smoothie bowls. Spinach powder can serve as a natural food coloring, giving dishes a vibrant green hue, and is commonly used in health-focused recipes to enhance flavor and increase vegetable intake.

As a convenient, long-lasting alternative to fresh spinach, spinach powder is perfect for those looking to increase their daily vegetable intake with minimal preparation.

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